The following setup options are available in this room. Capacity numbers beside the setup indicate the maximum number of guests the room can accommodate in that setup.

Rounds with 8 chairs: 80 guests

Room can be divided in half (Private Dining West and Private Dining East), which cuts capacity to 40 guests per half.

Laptop connection to TV screen.

The Private Dining Room is connected to Market Square. All guests attending events in this space must check in at the front desk of Market Square. If meals are to be included in this event, all guests must swipe or pay for access to the dining hall. No outside food or catering is permitted in this space.

This room has a fixed setup with round tables with 8 chairs at each. The furniture cannot be removed from the space.Room can be divided in half (Private Dining West and Private Dining East), which cuts capacity to 40 guests per half.